Friday, September 4, 2009

few things I love most

Wealth!Authority!...Did I just say riches and power?!nah, that wouldn't be the real me.

There are countless blessings in our world that we should be grateful of, other than power and riches. Let me start with my not-too-long list with "sunset"

A view few steps from our home is this majestic creation, "sunset". I can't help but adore the mystery that lies half awake on those burning yellow-orange and red horizon. Others say that the scene of the sun setting is depressing, I say its a wonderful reminder of peace, serenity and beauty. Its a silent emphasis of a another day that's almost over and yet has full of hopes in seeing sunrise again of another day.

Next on my list are flowers..

Well, I prefer wild flowers, for they are flowers that grow in the most difficult places. They represent a part of me that tells how I am trying to survive in difficult times. Wild flowers also tell me stories of the wind, the dew drops and the sky. Their subtle fragrance revivify my senses and their petals teach me to wait for the promises of spring.

I have much more to say yet I can only give you three more.."beach" is the third on my list..

I love beaches! Each wave that meets the shore allows me to reflect, to think on things, to remind me of the not-so-beautiful past, and the slow-moving present. The waves and their whispering moves me to lift my hands to the Almighty. The calmness of water reminds me that God is always, always in control.

The fourth one is just a little stuff i get, we usually consume from the world famous coffee shop 'Starbucks'.

I really love coffee, iced coffee, frappe's, cappucino's, name it, I'll have it. Its not that I'm addicted to it, I just love the warmth and the whip cream..Find it funny?have a cup of it and hopefully you'll see..

To complete my list, I'll finish it with "angels"

I have loved them for like a thousand years, except that I had not existed that long,but , my point here is I dream of them, I imagine them flying at my back and goes with me wherever I am. I believe them. I know and claim that somewhere, somehow, something far more beautiful than the human race is floating, shining and smiling at me. And I will continue to wish and hope that one day, I'll meet one.

keep life simple =)

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